Hey guys! I'm Chelsea, or as most of you probably know me as the.boy.momx3 from Instagram. My page is all about my family, featuring mainly my three kiddos and some awesome products we all enjoy.

I love to connect with other moms and learn their stories. Sharing our struggles and helping each other get through our toughest times is what we do best! It's so awesome finding other moms like myself and knowing I'm not alone.

I just joined this blog group with Decocrated and I'm so happy I did. At first, I wasn't sure if this is something I would be good at but I've learned from other ladies that blogging is just writing what you feel and there is no ”wrong” way to do it. 

So now to share with you how simple it can be to change up one of my favorite decor pieces that happen to come from the Decocrated Spring Box. This is now the second box that I have received and I am already hooked on them. Watching the UPS guy bring the box to my door feels like Christmas all over again and I can hardly wait to snatch it up! Not wanting him to know I was stalking him from the blinds, I wait for him to drive off before swooping the box up and immediately heading to the kitchen for scissors to tear this bad boy open.

Each item is boxed separately all in one big box so I feel like my 6-year-old son on his birthday with the boxes that we all know have clothes in them. Destroying them not even trying to salvage the box. My eye is on the prize -- the beautiful Decocrated pieces that is.


Obviously there are those times where someone just does not dig a certain piece they received in their box {I have not been that person yet}, which is totally fine! If it does not match your style or you just aren't feeling it there is no need to get upset. You can sell it through the Decocrated Marketplace or gift it forward. 

There is a Facebook group dedicated to selling pieces from the boxes. Things go fast on that site,  so if you ever want something from a previous box or extra pieces from a box you really loved, then you should really check it out!


So like I mentioned above, I am going to show you my favorite piece and how versatile this beautiful gold cup set can be. I love how well it is at keeping me organized while being the "stay-at-home teacher" for the boys. Everything I need fits perfectly in the different sized cups and is very easy to grab.

Having the kids home and taking over the teacher duties has certainly been a big adjustment for all of us but we are thankfully managing everything and keeping up with as much school work as we can.

I can even switch these up for the kids to use for their crayons, markers, colored pencils, and scissors for when it comes to craft time. This makes for a tidier craft space and quick clean up!

I used to work for a medical billing company and I can’t wait so that I can have this piece on my desk holding all my essentials.I won't have to spend time searching for a pen to write with or post-it to jot a quick reminder down in the desk drawer when it all fits together neatly in a space-saving tray that will look great on top of the desk.

I don't know about you, but I like to switch up my style a lot from time to time and I'm always on the hunt for good quality pieces that flow with many different types of styles. Those types of pieces will always be a keeper for me! That's why I love these Decocrated boxes so much. It's not hard to find pieces that you can reuse for something else.

Being a SAHM of three boys things can get really costly. With only one income I don't always have the luxury of going on those shopping binges I crave from time to time. So, when I do get a chance to go, I always try to find pieces that I know will be multi-purpose.


How great do those strawberry cupcakes look in the Decocrated gold tray?! Of course, some had to have sprinkles per the oldest request.

I loved using this tray to hold cupcakes for my boys! It's so awesome that I can use this piece for decorating or serving purposes! Always remember to lay down a protective layer between the tray and the food.

How many pieces do you own that have this type of multi-purpose?


When I first took this picture I was unsure about leaving the gold pieces empty but the more I looked at it I loved it. With all the other decor surrounding the tray, it just looks right empty. I made my middle son go outside and pick me those flowers just for this picture.

Fun fact: My husband made this table as my gift for our 1 year wedding anniversary. How cute, right? He's an arborist so he always finds the best pieces for great DIY projects. I'm hoping one day he will be able to make us a dining room table for those big family Sunday dinners we love to have with our ever-growing family.

It just amazes me how he was able to cut a tree and turn it into such a wonderful piece. I know he poured his heart into this and I will forever cherish it.

If you have not gotten your first box yet, you are definitely missing out! I highly recommend that you head on over to Decocrated now and sign up for your first subscription box. This is the perfect subscription for anyone out there that likes to update their decor for all the seasons, I know that I sure do! Let me be honest with you, their pieces are stunning! The creators really take their time in putting together these sets and their passion really shows. I am so happy I discovered them one day just scrolling through Instagram and you will be too!


Do you guys have any homemade furniture? If so, who made it and how do you decorate it? Comment below and let me know if you guys have any handmade furniture and the story behind it! Also, what is your favorite spring piece?

I would love to see how all of you subscribers out there are using or planning to use your Decocrated pieces, so if you haven't already head on over to Instagram and add me @the.boy.momx3!!!!!

See ya next time, 
