Once in your lifetime, I bet you have made a New Year’s resolution to start a regular workout routine and eat healthier and have failed. Miserably.  

It might be naïve of me to say this, but summer can definitely be your season of kicking things off properly if you want it to be. Studies show that working out in the summer heat has many benefits, including quick improvements in fitness, increases in your lactate threshold, and increases in your psychological tolerance for tough workouts. Even going out in the sunlight can offer you much-needed vitamin D and boost your mood. Outdoor activities can lead to “enhanced feelings of energy and diminished fatigue, anxiety, anger and sadness” compared to indoor activities, says Brian Parr, associate professor of exercise and sports science at the University of South Carolina-Aiken.  

Now that I’ve proven to you all the ways that exercise can make your health better, you’re probably wondering where do I start? Lucky for you, I am here to give you some ideas on how to exercise this summer that are totally fun, funky, and fresh.

When you think of exercise, you probably think of going to the gym, CrossFit, circuit training, or heavy lifting. Yes, that is true, but exercising can be way more than that. For those that love a more organized workout, here’s my go-to circuit courtesy of fitness and lifestyle blogger Bess Carter that is not too challenging and only requires lightweights. Feel free to get creative and grab any heavy object lying around the house! 

Image and workout credit: https://www.bessharringtoncarter.com/2019/01/09/5-move-full-body-workout/  

Now, let’s get funky. My favorite way to work out is to grab a volleyball, head to the beach with some friends, and just play! According to a new study published in BMJ Open, people who play any sport, recreationally or professionally, are more likely to remain strong, fit, and healthy, both mind and body, well into their 70s and 80s. Grab that basketball, tennis ball, surfboard, skateboard, or football and have fun! During the summertime, most people are out playing sports or riding waves anyways, but try to make exercising outside a habit not just during summer, but all year round.

Lastly, outdoor activities such as biking or hiking are super fun ways to use summer’s beautiful scenery and weather while also getting your body going. Nature is 10x better than a treadmill that goes nowhere, and you burn just as many calories. Your body will be saying thank you, and so will Mother Nature.  

These are just a few fun ways to remain active this summer, but there are plenty more such as yoga, walking, jumping rope, etc., that are just as gratifying. Leave your favorite summer workout in the comments; I’d love to hear how you all incorporate health and wellness into your day-to-day summer fun! And now that all of the hard work is done, reward yourself and get back to shopping on Decocrated’s site!